We are committed to improve lives in Afghanistan, providing access to health and education to those in need.


Action for Development fournit des services de santé et d’éducation vitaux en Afghanistan pour les individus les plus marginalisés et les plus vulnérables à travers des projets rentables en modèle de cascade qui permettent une participation et une habilitation de la communauté, ainsi qu’une appropriation des programmes par la communauté.

We runs projects in midwifery capacity-building, education for street children as well as children with disabilities, while continuing to provide health services through its Comprehensive Health Center and training for health professionals. In addition to development projects, AfD also provides emergency aid in response to natural disasters.


How is AfD responding to the current Humanitarian Crisis?

Despite the evolving humanitarian crisis, Action for Development continues to assist the country’s most vulnerable populations on the field, with its various, targeted, projects. Our cascade-model approach to project management and our continued presence on the field allows us to respond and adapt to the situation with sensitivity and continue our work.

Afghanistan At a glance

Where beauty and tradition meet poverty and injustice

L'Afghanistan est un pays riche en beauté naturelle et en histoire millénaire. Au carrefour des routes commerciales reliant les anciens empires, il a été une plaque tournante des échanges économiques et culturels.

Malheureusement, le pays a été dévasté par des décennies de guerre. Après la chute des talibans en 2001, un groupe de professionnels afghans a fondé Action for Development dans le but d'aider la population locale dans ses efforts de reconstruction.

Entre 2001 et 2020, l'Afghanistan a accompli des progrès remarquables : la mortalité infantile est passée de 25 % à 10 %, la majorité des Afghans ont accès aux soins de santé de base et les droits des femmes et des jeunes filles s'améliorent, même si c'est lentement, au niveau international. Aujourd'hui, ces progrès menacent d'être anéantis : les femmes et les filles d'Afghanistan ont particulièrement besoin de notre soutien.

La pauvreté

Today, a staggering 97% of Afghans live under the national poverty line, up from 47% in 2020. Since the return of the Taliban, international donors have suspended most non-humanitarian funding and have frozen billions of dollars in assets, having a devastating impact on Afghans. Droughts and other natural disasters have also exacerbated these rates.

La mortalité maternelle évitable

83% of maternal mortality could be avoided through healthcare and medical training. The ban on women’s education prevents women from getting access to healthcare and the increasing poverty rates put a strain on the already overburdened public health care system in the country. Today, the healthcare sector faced an even more serious depletion in human resources.

L'alphabétisation des femmes

70% of women aged 15 or more do not have basic literacy skills. These rates are one of the lowest worldwide. The current ban on education in Afghanistan will undoubtably have a hugely negative impact on these numbers.

Les bidonvilles

A rising number of Afghans continue to migrate to the cities in search of better opportunities. This has caused a large 73% of Afghans from urban areas to live in slums. 



People rely on the CHC for health care


Patients provided with care


Nutritious meals provided at school


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Primary Health Centre

28 juin 2023/

While significant strides have been made over the last two decades in restructuring Afghanistan’s health system, Afghanistan remains off course…


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