Our Partners

S’installer à Genève, le coeur du mouvement humanitaire international, a été une étape clé pour AfD dans son but d’agrandir ses partenariats et activités avec différentes organisations.

We are always looking for new partnerships and invite you to contact us at: +41 (0)22 347 9217 or info@actfordev.org

Action for Development est devenue une ONG affiliée au HCR en 2019; elle participe aux consultations annuelles des ONG organisées par le HCR à Genève chaque année.

HEdS fait partie de la Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES-SO), offrant quarante formations diplômantes dispensées dans un réseau de 27 campus qui s’étend à travers les cantons francophones de Suisse. Depuis 2002, le HEdS a accueilli cinq des sept formations diplômantes offertes par la section santé du HES-SO: les soins, la nutrition et la diététique, la physiothérapie, l’obstétrique, et la radiologie médicale.

AfD has partnered with the Clinique des Vergers in 2020; currently, we are in the process of starting a telemedicine program aimed at improving the provision of medical services at AfD’s health clinic located in Kabul.

A Swiss-based non-profit institution whose mandate is to work on research, training and policy advocacy in all areas related to migration and health. ICMHD’s work is predicated on the belief that by protecting the health and welfare of people on the move, the public health, social development, and human security of the larger society is also enhanced.

L’institut de Mario Negri pour la Recherche Pharmacologique est une organisation à but non lucrative pour la recherche biomédicale. Il a été fondé en 1961, et a débuté sa mission à Milan le 1er Février 1963. À ce jour, il possède des unités de recherche à Bergamo, à Ranica – près de Bergamo – et à Santa Maria Imbaro, près de Chieti. Le but principal de l’institut est d’aider à défendre la santé et la vie humaine.

Consortium for Street Children is a network of 130+ organisations, researchers and practitioners working together to make street children’s voices heard.

PMNCH brings together more than 1000 members from ten Constituencies to work together to advance sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescents health (SRMNCAH).

GlobalGiving connects non-profit, donors and companies in nearly every country around the world. We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training, and support they need to become more effective. AfD partners with Global Giving for regular online fundraising campaigns; currently we have 4 active projects on the platform.In 2019, AfD was awarded the badges of vetted organization and staff favourite organization by Global Giving.

The Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies is an ambitious commitment towards the realisation of the right to education for crisis-affected and displaced children and youth and comes at a time of unprecedented humanitarian needs.

Le ministère de la santé publique d’Afghanistan est engagé à assurer une mise en place accélérée de soins de santé de qualité pour tout le peuple afghan, en utilisant des ressources de manière ciblées, en particulier pour les femmes, les enfants, et les régions du pays les moins biens desservies, ainsi qu’en travaillant efficacement avec les communautés et d’autres partenaires du développement.

Since 2010, the SUN Movement has inspired a new way of working collaboratively to end malnutrition, in all its forms. The SUN Movement Strategy and Roadmap (2016-2020) has helped illuminate the importance of nutrition as a universal agenda – and one which is integral to achieving the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).AfD has officially joined the SUN movement in 2018; the year after, in 2019, AfD has become the lead of the Afghan Civil Society Alliance as part of a SUN Pooled Fund to end malnutrition in Afghanistan.

The Afghan Health & Development Services (AHDS) is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-political organisation. Its objective is to rehabilitate Afghanistan’s health infrastructure and to provide comprehensive primary health care services to the Afghan population in need.

Fondé en 1535, l’Hospice Général est une institution genevoise qui est en charge d’implémenter les décisions de politique sociale du canton de Genève, Suisse. L’institut supervise l’assistance publique et s’occupe des populations locales et les demandeurs d’asiles entrants.

Le SDG2 Advocacy Hub coordonne les campagnes et les plaidoyers mondiaux en vue de la réalisation de l’objectif de développement durable (ODD) 2: éliminer la faim, assurer la sécurité alimentaire, améliorer la nutrition et promouvoir une agriculture durable d’ici 2030. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: To end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture by 2030. 

The SERAP’s team consists of former staff from international development and finance institutions (for example, World Bank, IMF, OECD) and academia.SERAP’s mission is to conduct comprehensive and rigorous research programs that offer insightful ideas and innovative solutions for solving problems facing vulnerable societies at the local, national, and global levels.


AfD is also affiliated with several networks including the White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council and the NGO Forum for Health.


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