AFD strives for the empowerment of communities and improved human rights in Afghanistan. Our vision for Afghanistan is one of a society based on democracy and the rule of law, where every individual has access to his/her own rights.
Nous dirigeons nos efforts pour promouvoir les droits des plus vulnérables: les femmes, les enfants, les personnes handicapées et les communautés isolées. Que ce soit avec des évènements de haut niveau aux nations unies, des ateliers dans des universités, ou des visites de terrain en Afghanistan, nous faisons en sorte que nos messages de base sont entendus pour servir les efforts de développement durable.
Giving Women Panel Discussion
9 February 2023 Online Panel: How Women and Girls are Affected by Conflict and Displacement.
As the migrant population has grown tragically to over 100 million globally, Giving Women decided to invite a panel of experts, including our Program Director Zuhra– Dadgar-Shafiq, to take a deep dive into understanding what is forcing women to migrate and how migration affects the lives of women and girls. The panelists shared insights into the situation in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Latin America, with the purpose of sharing knowledge and best practices from different parts of the world.
The conversation demonstrated how the situation of women migrants with their children is very complex and multilayered, and highlights the importance of making governments, and host populations recognize that all migrants need to be protected and respected. Women who make these dangerous journeys with their children in their own countries or abroad, are desperate and have NO other choices.
ECW High-Level Financing Conference (February 2023)
Side-event: Reflections on the current bans affecting girls’ education and female aid workers: Afghan Women Speak Out
Action for Development’s co-founder and Program Director, Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, participated in a panel discussion of Afghanistan women sharing their work to support the rights of Afghanistan’s girls to education and the right to work as humanitarian workers in order to earn their living. The panelists also provided concrete recommendations for the international community to support and amplify their work.
AfD’s co-founder and Program Director, Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, highlighted in which three areas the international community can support:
- Provision of financial support to the local organizations and NGOS promoting girls’ education in Afghanistan
- Holding advocacy and awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of girl’s education in Afghanistan, for instance via media outreach and social media campaigns
- Provide resources such as digital learning materials, easy textbooks, online learning programs and platforms that improve the quality and access to education for girls in Afghanistan
To see our co-Founder and Program Director, Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, speak at this event by clicking the following link:
ECW High-Level Financing Conference (with UNHCR)
Side-event: Advanced Digital Learning and Inclusion of children affected by conflict – Where to invest next?
On February 16th, Action for Development, in collaboration with UNHCR and War Child, co-hosted a side event for the ECW’s High-Level Financing Conference. The event brought together key actors to discuss and share the current status of digital and edtech programmes and investment available for refugee children and their host communities.
The side event also highlighted the key factors in implementing and scaling digital programmes for refugees and explored opportunities to utilize digital learning in order to reach the hardest-to-reach learners.
Action for Development aims at providing girls in Afghanistan (currently prioritising secondary schools girls) with access to digital education so they can pursue and complete their schooling. Secondary school girls are the priority today as this age group are currently banned from attending secondary school under the Taliban regime. AfD strives to find collaborators who would be interested in supporting the secondary and high school education for girls deprived of their humanitarian rights. Providing this alternative service, will result in girls having an opportunity to finish off their schooling years, and open them opportunities for their future.
Human Rights Council Side Event: Girls’ Education in Afghanistan
On 31 March 2023, Action for Development was a co-host for the Side Event 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council focusing on the topic of “The Right to Education in Afghanistan: Unleashing the Potential of the next Afghan Generation” In coordination with the other co-hosts (Group of seven plus (g7+), the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the United Nations Office in Geneva, and HWPL Switzerland, 33 United Nations Member States discussed the importance of education in ensuring sustainable peace and development in Afghanistan.
This side event highlighted the issue of the cessation of education for girls and women in Afghanistan, and the recent suspension of women’s access to universities. Some of the risks associated with the current situation include exploitation, abuse, and early forced marriages. Depriving girls of access to secondary and higher education will have a lasting effect on the country’s economy and lead to a shortage of female teachers, doctors, and nurses.
AfD’s Program Director, Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, summarized the leading recommendations made by the panel and participants, highlighting that no religion prohibits education for girls, and there should be continued multi-stakeholder dialogue on solutions for girls’ education in Afghanistan, including the creation of a platform for collaboration with national and international education actors. Another proposed solution included increased support for online and home-based schools for female students. A third suggestion was to utilize peace education as an effective tool to promote a culture of tolerance and dialogue. And with the increasing number of families with girls leaving the country, facilitating transformative education solutions for refugees becomes more crucial.
International Women’s Day Webinar – Afghan Women and their Future (2022)
En l'honneur de la Journée internationale de la femme, Action for Development (AfD) a organisé une table ronde en ligne sur les femmes afghanes et leur avenir. Zuhra Dadgar-Shafiq, cofondatrice de l'AfD, a rappelé à tous que d'ici la mi-2022, 90 % des Afghans devraient tomber en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, les femmes et les enfants étant les plus durement touchés. Même si les trois panélistes (Atalanti Moquette, Lida Nadery Hedayat et Heather Barr) ont peint des conditions existantes alarmantes pour les femmes, qui ont vu leurs droits bafoués depuis le changement de régime en août 2021, elles ont assuré qu'un avenir meilleur est possible. Des investissements substantiels dans des organisations locales dirigées par des femmes, la coopération internationale et des campagnes de sensibilisation répétées ont été mentionnés comme des facteurs clés pour changer le statu quo et assurer de meilleures perspectives de vie en Afghanistan. Restez à l'écoute pour lire les meilleurs plats à emporter qui seront bientôt publiés !
United Nations Event
Rights based Approach, Maternal Mortality
En 2015, AfD a organisé un évènement avec l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), le Fonds des Nations Unies pour la Population (UNFPA) et la mission permanente de l’Afghanistan, ainsi que d’autres pays en marge du conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies à Genève. L’évènement se concentrait sur la mortalité maternelle en tant que problème lié aux droits de l’homme qui a besoin d’efforts accélérés afin d’accomplir les Millenium Development Goals (MDGs, maintenant les SDGs).
Éducation et recherche
Atelier du IHEID sur l’innovation sociale
Afin de trouver des solutions innovantes sur l’approvisionnement en eau, AfD a cherché des solutions centrées sur la technologie et l’éducation. Cet atelier a été une opportunité d’impliquer des étudiants du Graduate Institute de Genève (IHEID) à travers leur organisation C4SI (Collaborate For Social Impact). Les étudiants ont développé un design détaillé d’une nouvelle solution de traitement de l’eau à travers le Comprehensive Health Center, dessin adapté à une petite ONG comme AfD.
Campagne de terrain
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
Des décennies de guerre ont laissé les Afghans sans assainissement correct et sans infrastructures d’accès à l’eau potable. Avec en plus un manque d’éducation à l’hygiène, les communautés sont exposées à de dangereuses maladies d’origine hydrique. A travers son programme WASH, AfD ont mené des campagnes de sensibilisation avec le gouvernement Afghan dans le but d’éduquer les individus, de les assister dans la reconstruction de sources d’eau, et de transmettre des pratiques d’hygiène.