Action for Development’s School for Street Children will be subject to a significant expansion thanks to a new partnership with the UEFA Foundation for children, signed on 22 February 2018.
The UEFA Foundation agreed to support AfD for a one-year period with the aim to increase the student body from today’s 59 to a total of 150 children by the end of this year. We are very excited and grateful for this new opportunity to bring even more children away from the streets into our classrooms.
The core of the new partnership is also built around the idea of giving children a chance to play football as part of their physical education and development at the school. It not only benefits their health, but also allows them to have fun and acquire team-building skills in a playful manner.
Both boys and girls are to benefit from the football program and form respective teams, while Action for Development will start its quest for a suitable football field and a potential sports teacher. As street children have little time on their hands due to their work, AfD will also make sure that transport is provided, should the football field be further away.
We are very excited to have the UEFA Foundation on board with us. AfD is already looking for new classrooms so potential new children can join our school. Through this project, the street children are given back their childhood, while education gives them a chance to secure a better future for themselves and their families.
The UEFA foundation was established in April 2015 and aims to help underprivileged children through sports and football in particular, which in their own words “can provide support in the areas of health and children’s education, as well as promoting access to sporting activity, facilitating children’s personal development and fostering the integration of minorities.”