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Join Safe Motherhood Week 2019

  • Post category:News

Action for Development has recently joined the Maternal Health Synapse Network, with over 205 users, 240 organisations, 58 initiatives, and 171 resources.

Safe Motherhood Week takes place from the 14th to the 20th of October 2019.

Action for Development shares the same goal of the #SafeMotherhoodWeek initiative: Our vision is a world where all women have equitable access to high-quality maternal care before, during and after the pregnancy experience. That’s why our theme this year is “Accessibility to Quality Maternal Care and Safe Medication”.

Action for Development supports maternal health in Afghanistan through the provision of quality training for midwifes; training midwifes not only reduces the risks associated with pregnancy and child-birth, but also gives women the chance to become active members of their communities.

Join #SafeMotherhoodWeek 2019 activities and help us make maternal health a priority topic.