Giving Tuesday 2020

  • Post category:News

1 December 2020

Right now, people around the globe are coming together: showing kindness and generosity by giving their voices, time, money, goods, and more to support communities and causes.

Action for Development has joined the #GivingTuesday campaign with 2 projects:

Donations made through the One Days Wages campaign will be doubled!

Donations made through the Global Giving platform will make AfD eligible for incentive funds up to $1 million!

Time to get involved!

As the weather will soon reach extremely low temperatures and heavy snowfall, AfD provides assistance to hundreds of families in Afghanistan through its yearly Winterization campaign.

We need your help to reach our goal of raising $8,000 in support of AfD’s Winterization aid for Afghan communities—and thanks to Global Giving #MoveAMillion incentive fund, the more you give, the larger share we win out of the $1 million USD in bonus funds!!!