Annual Report 2017

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Action for Development presents its Annual Report 2017. The report highlights key results achieved in 2017 by AfD and partners, and looks to the strategic challenges ahead.

2017 was the first year of AfD’s strategic vision 2017-2020, set around its mission “Healthy families, empowered communities” in Afghanistan. Despite the many challenges, particularly resource mobilisation and a backdrop of ongoing violence in the country, significant results were achieved over the course of the year.

The report includes for the first time a comprehensive overview of Action for Development’s achievements since the start of its operations in 2014, as well as a map of Afghanistan to highlight where projects are being implemented. AfD strived to improve the lives of women and children in their communities, by continuing to support the Rahyab school for children with disabilities, expanding its school for street children, treating patients at its Comprehensive Health Centre, and providing midwifery trainings through the cascade approach.

Action for Development would like to thank its partners and donors for their support and generosity, without whom the work would not have been possible. AfD continues its commitment towards investing in the rights of the most vulnerable by providing them with life-saving health services and opportunities for a better future through education.

To see the full report, click here.