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AfD launches ‘Winterization’ campaign 2020/2021

  • Post category:News

8 December 2020

Photo credit: Tolo news

Afghanistan experienced its first snowfall of the year, today, in Mazar-e-Sharif. Colder weather is expected to hit the country between January and February 2021.

As part of a yearly winterization campaign, Action for Development with the support of the donor community, distributes heaters, coal and wood to individuals and families in need, to withstand the harsh temperatures and weather conditions of the winter months.

Among the beneficiaries of the winterization project are the families of the children attending AfD’s schools for street-working children in Kabul; Action for Development also distributes additional items, like shoes and coats, to children attending our schools.

Last year, for the 2019/2020 campaign, AfD managed to reach 608 families, approximately 4,250 individuals!

To support AfD’s winterization campaign for 2020/2021 please click here