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AfD distributes food at the Rahyab School

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The coronavirus was confirmed to have spread to Afghanistan when the authorities in Herat confirmed the first case on 24 February 2020. On 27 March, it was announced that the capital, Kabul, would undergo lockdown for three weeks, including the closure of schools. The lockdown was then extended until 21 May, where restrictive measures started to ease.

For more than 2 months, children of the Rahyab school did not attend classes. By not attending school, children were not able to receive food assistance. Action for Development has been supporting the Rahyab school since 2011 by providing meals to the children.

In May 2020, AfD was finally able to arrange a food delivery for the children and their families. The distribution of food took place at the Rahyab school.

Children are expected to return to school as soon as the restrictive measures imposed by the global health emergency can be eased. AfD expects between 400 and 600 children to return to the Rahyab school on a daily basis.

We would like to extend our gratitude to our generous donors, friends and supporters. It is with your support that we can continue providing vital assistance to the most marginalized communities in Afghanistan. Under these exceptional circumstances, children at the Rahyab school need your support more than ever!

If you would like to donate to our project in support of the Rahyab school: