AfD conducted the first round of its midwives capacity building programme in Panjsher province in November 2017.
Twenty midwives from different districts of the province were brought together to the center of Panjsher where they could enhance their knowledge on specific pregnancy and birth-related issues, for instance Eclampsia, Pre-eclampsia, managing third-stage labour, and newborn care.
The twenty midwives, who will be trained to become trainers in the following month, will pass on their new knowledge to eighty further midwives and community midwives.
In rural Afghanistan, villages often remain cut off from the center during the winter season, which hinders their access to health services. It is therefore critical to have a health provider in these villages, who is knowledgeable and capable of recognizing and treating health problems. With the training of these midwives, we hope that we can prevent maternal and newborn deaths and help communities have a better life.